Monday, August 09, 2010

Nashville Masjids Decide to Follow to Sunnah in Sighting While Clarksville Follows ISNA

Alhamdulillah, I was at one of the local masjid tonight in Nashville, and I decided to see if this masjid was with the whole modernist fiqh position of ISNA in regards to the sighting.  He told me that his masjid and all of the other masjids were having a meeting, and that they were waiting for the actual sighting.  He agree that going by calculation was not the correct way.

I also called one of the brothers tonight from the Islamic Center of Clarksville, TN and he was telling me that masjid is still going to go by ISNA.  The brothers there claim this is unity, but what really is is the tyranny of the majority.  They are imposing that fiqh position on those that live in that locality.  I am glad that I do not live in Clarksville any more.

Khalil Alpuertorikani
Nashville, TN


  1. Very interesting, you seem very religious and update with everything. That's very unique,most people don't know what is going on in there community! I live in Nashville too. They changed Imam's recently. What do you think of the new Imam? I've only met him a few times.

  2. Anonymous,

    I try my best to be religious, but of course perfection is for Allah subhanahu wa ta 'ala. I also try to stay abreast with what is going on in the community.

    I have also met the imam at the Islamic Center of Nashville, so I cannot give you a fair opinion of him.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Leave your email (I won't publish it), so we an stay in touch.


    Khalil Alpuerto Rikani
